27 Dec Other people’s websites
This morning, a dear friend posted this rather moving website of artist, Claire Felicie.
The first set of photos are triptychs of men before they leave for Afghanistan, during their time there, and when they return. There are several other photo essays on the website – all of them beautifully done. This particular set are a powerful commentary that marks a striking contrast to before and after photos of attendees at a meditation retreat.
And finally, for those of you following the Ryan Gosling memes, a colleague at CUNY posted the Manarchist Ryan Gosling this morning. It struck a nerve with me. The posts were all made based on things that the creator has heard “in the radical community.” I realize, of course, that “radical community” can mean any number of things, but i’ve been involved in a wide enough range of radical communities to be able to say that i’ve heard many of these things, and variations on them, across the lot of them.I’m sparing the rant this morning, but i am posting this one for Katie.
And finally, on a lighter note – another friend posted the Gael Garciá-Bernal Feminista meme that is posted in both English and Spanish.
Posted at 00:38h, 20 FebruaryLeast funny Vegan Ryan Gosling meme ever..